Research supports run–walk interval training as a way to reduce chronic low back pain
A study conducted at Monash University, Australia, has demonstrated that a progressive run–walk interval training program, delivered digitally and supported remotely, is not only effective in reducing pain and disability in adults with chronic low back pain (LBP) but is also safe and acceptable for participants.
Prolonged Sitting: What You Should Know to Improve Your Posture
Have you ever found yourself feeling stiff and uncomfortable after extended periods of sitting at your desk, perhaps even experiencing nagging back pain?
What to know about spinal stenosis surgery
Spinal stenosis is a condition that causes the spaces in the spine to become narrow. This can put pressure on the spinal cord.
Study shows high rates of hip osteoarthritis among older adults with spinal deformity
One-third of patients undergoing surgery for adult spinal deformity (ASD) also have severe osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip—which is associated with worse spinal alignment and physical functioning, reports a study in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Recovery from spinal fusion: What to expect
Spinal fusion is a surgical technique that permanently joins two or more of the spine’s vertebrae, or bones. It is a major procedure that requires extensive healing time for the bones to fuse fully and for the body to recover from the surgical trauma.